
Find out how Motium services different industries!

Motium works with global partners across a wide variety of industries to create solutions using our customisable products.

With an IP (ingress protection) rating between IP65 and IP67 our rugged technology can weather the toughest environments, with customisation options to suit your requirements.

Check out our TUFF product range here!

Learn how Motium supports our partners in Mining to improve efficiency, reliability, and safety.
Waste Management
Find out how Motium is providing TUFF devices in Waste Management to improve: driver visibility, vehicle route optimisation, and fleet connectivity.
Discover how Motium is supporting our soldiers on the frontline of Australian Defence.
Contact Our Sales Team
Interested in anything you've seen? Want to see how we can create customised solutions to solve real challenges? Get in touch with our Sales team to discover how our rugged technology solutions can help you!

Stay tuned to see what industries Motium supports with our rugged technology!